Thursday, July 26, 2018

Washington DC - July 2018 - Part 5 - The National Zoo and Wrapping Up.

While Rebecca and Olivia wore out their shoes, I brought the rest of the herd to the zoo to visit family. 😂 The National Zoo has a lot of great exhibits and i was slack in getting pictures of them, but the kids loved seeing the various animals. 

 We got to see the baby gorilla that had recently been born. So cute!!!!

We organized the trip so that we entered at one end of the zoo and walked to the other where we would meet up with Rebecca and Olivia after their trek. On the way back through, we stopped and saw the pandas! These guys are my spirit animals... Lay about, eat a ton of food, do nothing... Yup. Count me in.
 On another day, the whole family went to see an IMAX movie about a panda rehabilitation center in China and follow a panda from birth to release in the wild. It was absolutely amazing!

 Of course, we also got to see Rebecca's favorites: the otters. 

I will say this: if you're going to the National Zoo, beware: It's a long way uphill from the Rock Creek Park side of the zoo. If you come in from the Connecticut Ave side, it's downhill, but then you either have to walk out the Rock Creek side to find a bus/metro stop or you have to walk all the way back uphill to the Connecticut Ave entrance.

That's all I have in the way of pictures, but there was so much more to the trip. We got to visit with Nana, Pop-Pop, Uncle Jeff and Aunt Vicky, Uncle Rudy and Aunt DD, Uncle Greg, Kira, Aiden, Max, Vivi, and even some of the DC cousins! Olivia also got to see the National Archives where she was able to view the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. There was so much more we wanted to see, like Arlington, Mount Vernon, and the Arboretum, but there just wasn't enough time. Looks like we'll have to arrange another trip soon!

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