Wednesday, April 25, 2018

AHG Family Camping Trip

The girls' American Heritage Girls troop had their annual family camping trip last weekend. We packed up the camper and all our stuff and headed over to Jordan Lake for a couple of nights.
 It was a pretty relaxing time of getting to hang out with all the families and get to know each other a little better.
There was fun time with friends.

Some worship and food.
But there was also time for learning and experiences. The rangers at Jordan Lake gave the kids a presentation about birds of prey that can be found in the area. They had some really cool stuffed birds like owls and an eagle.
Afterwards, they went on a hike through the woods near the lake and then spent sometime cleaning up around the shore. 

Also, at the nearby marina, they had a family fishing day, complete with informational booths, vendors demonstrating their equipment and even some fishing gear that the kids could borrow for free to try their hand. It was really crowded, and they were able to catch anything, but they still had a great time!

They got to learn some things about fish and birds in North Carolina. They also learned about how air and water pollution and trash are harming the lakes and rivers of our state.
This is a live raptor that's native to our area. We couldn't believe how small it is!
 Olivia got to try her hand at securing her food so that bears won't get it.

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