Tuesday, January 2, 2018

It's a Brand New Car!

Ok... Not BRAND new... but new to us anyway. With the end of the year closing in, we decided to pull the trigger and get Rebecca a new car. Our beloved 2003 Mazda Protege5 had taken us over 230,000 miles (that's about the distance to the moon!) over the past 13 years and was slowly dying a painful death as various bits and pieces broke or stopped working on it. Rebecca has been pondering what vehicle she'd like to get over the past couple of months...
 and while this is her dream, it's not very practical... So instead she settled on this:
a 2010 Nissan Versa. Sadly, we couldn't find one in our price range in blue that was in decent condition, so we had to go with silver, but still... It's a cute car and one that we're happy with so far. It rides and runs great and we are so happy to have a solidly reliable car for her! We're looking forward to a good 10 years with this one!

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