Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Happy Birthday Gabe!

Gabe turned 9! I know I probably say this at every kid's birthday, but it really is hard to believe how fast they grow up. For his birthday this year, he really wanted a Minion-themed party, but we had another plan already arranged, so we told him we couldn't do a party for him, but we did a bunch of things to make the day special for him. 
 Rebecca went and found what has to be the biggest Minion balloon I've ever seen. 
I tried to make each meal Minion themed, so for breakfast, they had bananas dressed as Minions and Minion cereal.  
 For lunch, I made them Minion mac and cheese.
For his cake, rather than my usual attempt at a "designer" cake, we had them do some decorating. I made some individual Twinkie-sized cakes and decorated them with blue and yellow frosting. Rebecca found some Minion eyes, mouths and hair candy pieces at a store and we let the kids put them on the cakes. 
There were also tattoos for each of them, which were a big hit...
though I think Olivia may have gone a little overboard with them. :) They actually took a couple of days to wear off, so she had to go to piano lessons and EMMA classes with them still on. 

The day was a lot of fun, but we were saving his big birthday surprise for the following week so more on that later!

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