Sunday, August 13, 2017

Spring Garden Bakery Class

Rebecca went to pick up coffee one friday afternoon and saw a sign offering a kids' class in decorating. Now, this wasn't like a Wilton's cake decorating class, but juts a themed, have-fun kind of thing, so we signed them up.

 They were given graham crackers, cupcakes and all the stuff needed to make their creations. 

 The theme for the class was the Beach and so they made cupcakes with Teddy Grahams floating with gummy tubes on the "water" icing on the cupcakes, complete with beach umbrellas.

 Then they made a trifle with pudding, graham cracker crumbs and more teddys playing on the "beach" with gumballs.

 Lastly, they used the graham crackers to create a sort of side view of the ocean with blue icing for water, goldfish, and graham cracker crumbs for the sandy bottom.

They had a really fun time, not only making them, but eating them, too!

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