Monday, August 28, 2017

Cookout at Aunt and Uncle B's

Rebecca's Aunt Bethany invited us down to spend some time and cookout with her and her fiance, Bob.

Grandpa, Aunt Kelly, and Cousin Patrick, along with Emily and Callahan came over as well.
Bob's 8-year-old daughter Parker was super excited that the kids were coming over and made a sign to welcome them.

The kids were all really excited about going because Bob's got a great pool with lots of floats.
He also has these fun little things they called "dolphins" that propelled them across the pool. They were easy enough to use that even Irene had no trouble with it.
We had a great time meeting Bob. The kids, in that way kids have, quickly labelled him "Uncle B" since he and Aunt B are together. :) 

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