Sunday, July 30, 2017

Lake Higgins Hike

With Rebecca's birthday this weekend, I asked her what she wanted to do and her answer? Spend time together on some hikes. She picked two hikes: one along Lake Higgins, north of Greensboro and the other at Stone Mountain State Park. 
We did the Lake Higgins hike first as a warm-up for Stone Mountain. We knew this was a longer hike, but it's flat and easy, so I gave the kids some walking sticks and we set out.

Along the way, they found some sand that had been washed up by a stream that was running low because of the lack of rain. 
The stream bed had a walkway/bridge over it that each of the kids took turn jumping from.

Lake Higgins is a beautiful lake to walk along, with gorgeous views
 and little places to get right up to water and play.
The hike was a total of 9.5 miles and we figured out that kids are good for about 8. They got tired and whiny for the last couple of miles, but they all made it on their own two feet. :)

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