Saturday, June 10, 2017


Well, It's day 2 and it's still raining on us. We were looking for something to do with the kids, so we drove down to North Myrtle Beach and found a Miniature Golf place. It wasn't raining hard, so we decided to brave it. 
We had the entire place to ourselves and played both courses they had there. The kids picked it because of the giant yellow plane that was "crashing" on the course.
There were lots of crazy hills and standing water, but that didn't dampen their enthusiasm at all.
We got soaked, but when you have Irene running around screaming, "IT'S IN THE HOLE!!!!" every time she got it in, it's hard to be bothered.
It was raining too hard for me to brave bringing the camera along, but after we finished, we took a few minutes and husteld around the course for these pics to remember it by.

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