Thursday, September 1, 2016

Goodbye, G'ma

I love you G-ma. Thank you for your legacy. You were so smart and caring. You always looked at things for bright side and you were always interested in others. You mothered your family so well. I pray that I will be the kind of mother and grandmother that you are. Thank you for my family legacy and I look forward to passing it on.

My beautiful grandparents, Carlos and Mona Baldwin:

My precious G-ma left this earth for heaven Aug 25th. She has been in pain for many years and her health had been declining such that it was very hard for her to get around or get out of her home. In recent years her spine was so bad that she couldn't look up at all. It is sad for those of us here but I am so glad she is pain-free for the first time in so long and that she can look up. When I called her or visited, she would always put on a positive face in spite of her challenges. She would admit that she hurt or was having a rough day but she would take the time to talk with me and keep a positive attitude. She always asked about our family and her great grandkids. She would even admit when she was starting to forget little details between my kids but always wanted them to come close and talk with her. And they were comfortable with her. She was always encouraging me to take care of myself. She wanted to know that we had what we needed and would often help with clothes or things for my kids. My kids really love my G-dad and visiting their home as well. They set up a swing set and a zipline and made sure they had toys for the kids. My G-dad even gets down on the floor with them.

G-ma loved me and encouraged so much through the years. She had high standards and I always wanted to please her. I could always feel how much she cared for me. You know when you feel totally accepted and loved for who you are? That is how I felt with my grandparents. And their home is one of the most comfortable places I know.  My grandparents are such a funny couple. My grandma is as honest as they come and my granddad loves to tell stories and often spins tales if you know what I mean. :)



Below are some pictures from her memorial service, mostly of my cousins and their spouses, and sweet baby Callahan (Pat and Emily's first child). They played Clare De Lune by Claude Debussy, her favorite piece of classical music. She almost always had a radio in the kitchen and her bathroom that played classical music. She loved cats. Throughout the years she had Siamese cats. Prior to the memorial service we had a viewing for family only. It was very hard but it was also such a special time where we shared memories of Grandma. There were lots of tears but lots of laughs. Olivia wrote my Grandma a letter as she processed her grief and I think she summed it up well.

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