Tuesday, June 7, 2016

VoB Family Retreat 2016

Every year, Valley of Blessing does a family retreat over Memorial Day weekend up at Higher Grounds Christian Center. Several families come up and spend 3 days hanging out, hearing some teachings, worshiping together and having a great time. 
 You can't beat the view.

 The playground is one of the old-style, death-trap playgrounds that we all survived as kids. 

 Many game of cornhole was played.
 Foggy morning down below.
 Campfire antics

 There were some really cool activities that Rebecca and Ana did for the kids. They sat and talked about God for a bit.
 Then they had a kind of tropical party.

 But the highlight was taking a nature walk and collecting things from God's wondrous creation to turn into some very cool artwork.

 And then there was this random, brightly-colored moth that we found hanging around. I had no idea they came in colors like this!
 On the way home, we swung by Mabry Mill, which is one of the most picturesque places on the Blue Ridge Parkway. 
 It's amazing that they were able to reroute creeks and streams to make things like this work. 
The views weren't too bad either. 

We're going to be back up at Higher Grounds twice more this year; first at Treasure Mountain Kids Camp in July and then again in October for Sukkot. Looking forward to both of those trips!

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