Monday, May 9, 2016

Strawberry Picking 2016

We took advantage of a beautiful morning (actually the only one that week without rain) to pick a few strawberries.
 The blooms were everywhere and just as pretty as can be.
 The kids paired up and worked to fill their buckets. Gabe and Ezra worked one row.
 Olivia and Emma worked another. Emma had quite a good eye for spotting great berries.
 And Irene followed me with the bucket. She wouldn't let me put any in it, though... She insisted that I hand them to her so she could put them in. 
 After she and I filled our bucket, she went to trail after Gabe for a while and point out what he missed. :)
We got a decent haul for less that an hour's work. Sadly, they ate them all within a week. :)

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