Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Happy 3rd Birthday, Irene!

Now the second of our "twins born 3 years apart" had her own day of celebration.
 She was greeted by the traditional birthday banner, which she loved. Mama got her some cool watercolor painting pages that she spent a while doing. She also got a really cool balloon with little balloon stars inside it that she ran around with most of the day. Unfortunately, it suffered a ceiling fan mishap. 
That evening, we went over to Nana and Pop-pop's for a fun family birthday gathering. There was yummy pasta with homemade sauce for dinner.
  The youngest 3 enjoyed some relaxation in their chairs in the yard.

 And tasty cake, strawberry shortcake and ice cream for dessert.
It was great to get together with Nana, Pop-pop, Uncle Greg and Cousin Rooney for a fun couple of hours! 

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