Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Gabe's First Book!

Olivia was an easy child to teach when it came to reading. she really wanted to learn and picked it up fairly quickly. Our biggest difficulty with her was getting her to slow down and actually absorb what she was reading.  Gabe, however, was a different story. it took a long time to get him interested in reading. It was a daily chore to get him to work on sounding out words and phonograms. Then, once he started with readers, we had to work closely with him and help him work through the frustration. But finally, all that patience (and impatience...) has paid off!

Gabe has finally read a book all on his own for fun! HE wen ton his own and picked out the first Boxcar Children book from Olivia's bookshelf and over the next week, sat down whenever he had free time and read his way through it. He was so excited to be reading something on his own that wasn't schoolwork. We are so proud of you, Gabe! Keep it up!

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