Friday, February 12, 2016

A Frozen Bog

It's not often that we get cold weather for any extended period of time, so when we actually had a few days in a row if freezing temps, it made for some cool things in the Bog Garden.
 The icicles on the waterfall were beautiful.
 The shallow areas of the pond were frozen over with about an inch of ice. It was strong enough that the ducks could walk on it, although it was a little difficult for them.
 The kids throw some branched at the ice and got them to stick through it.
 All along the trail, the mud had frozen into hoar frost, which made some very cool crunching sounds as they jumped on it.
 The really like how it was all very straight and lifted up the dirt on top of it.
Ezra wanted to carry some around with him, but, of course, it melted before he could get it home. :)

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