Sunday, January 17, 2016

Happy Birthday Emma!

Our sweet little Emma Lee has turned 4! To celebrate, we had a party at the Little Gym, where she just loves to go. We invited a couple of her friends to come and go crazy for an hour. 

 The kids got to play on all the equipment


They had a couple of helpers there to organize a few fun games and do some special activities.

They ran and played with balls.  

They played with the parachute.
 They got to roll over the "big wheel"

and tumble down the wedge. 
 And they got to play on their favorite - "The bouncy bed" - as Emma calls it.

 Irene was the funniest. She would bounce down, 
 get to the end, 
 and "Superman" right off the end
 and onto her face.

We went with a smiley face for a cake after Emma picked out the big smiley face balloon for her birthday. Her Grandpa always gives them little toys with a smiley face and "Smile! God Loves You!" on them, so we think it reminded her of him. 
 Everyone had such a great time and we were so happy that we were able spend a wonderful afternoon with everyone celebrating my Pumpkin's big day!

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