Thursday, October 1, 2015

Camp 2015 - Sunsets, Sunrises, Stars and Goodbye.

Camp is one of the most beautiful places on Earth when it comes to sunrises and sunsets. Well, usually it is. This particular year we had a lot of foggy mornings, so the sunrises were mostly just a vague brightening of the fog.
 We did have a nice sunset or two, tho.
 Then, the next-to-last morning, we woke to a picture-perfect sunrise.

As we wrap up this series, I just want to throw out a few random things that we did, saw or captured while we were there.
 We did get a chance to go up to Bog River a couple of times and the kids played around in the lake and on the rocks while I fished.
 Fishing was pretty good this year. I caught 5 keepers (smallmouth bass for those inclined to that kind of thing) this year, 2 in our lake and 3 in Bog River. These two 16" beauties were from Bog River.
 I have no idea what's going on in this picture... 
 Nor this one... nutballs.
 The kids played Blokus for the first time. 
 The lake was a daily thing for the kids. We told them before we ever left home that they'd have a huge pool they could swim in every single day.

 Even Irene and Emma were generally friendly toward each other. At home, they spend a good deal of time pestering each other. :)

 The paddleboard was pretty popular with everybody.

Even the wildlife.
 We brought a couple of Lego sets for rainy days, but we didn't have much rain until the day we were packing up to leave, so we just let them build one during a quiet time.

 I love the details they put into things like this... The dresser, the skull, the coffee mug...
This is my favorite thing about being up here. The stars are stunningly clear and bright. 
 So many!
This was really a wonderful trip for us. Sometimes we feel so torn between coming up to Camp or going out to Colorado, but we have yet to regret our choices. :) 
Our next opportunity to come up here won't be for another 3 or 4 years, probably, but it will be well worth the wait!

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