Monday, October 5, 2015

Bog Garden - 9/2015

There were a couple of really beautiful days between the time we got back from camp and the time for Sukkot to start, so we took advantage of one and went for a walk in the Bog Garden.

 At the time, the water was fairly low since it hadn't rained much in the previous couple of weeks, but that didn't prevent us from seeing a little wildlife in the water and mud. If you look really closely, there's a teeny snapping turtle right in the middle of the picture.
 The birds were out, too. This Cardinal was particularly pretty.

 There were a few flowers still blooming like this orange one. If anyone knows what it is, please let me know! Update: It's called Jewelweed or Touch-Me-Not.
 There were also these gorgeous pink ones with a berry of some kind right in the center. Update: Turns out they're called Harlequin Glorybowers.

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