Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Safety Town 2015

The time finally came this year for the boys to go to Safety Town. Olivia attended about 4 years ago and had such a great time and learned so much, we couldn't wait for the boys to get their chance. Safety Town is only for 5 & 6-year-old kids and Gabe and Ezra's birthdays worked out perfectly so that they could both go in the same year.
Safety Town is a 2-week, half-day camp for kids to learn about different aspects of safety in their daily lives. The learn about road, playground, bicycle, animal, boat, gun, and other aspects of safety. They get to meet paramedics, police officers, fire fighters and other civil servants. 
They have a cool little "town" set up, complete with road signs and stoplights, for the kids to get to practice things like crossing the street and bicycle safety.
 The highlight of the camp is getting to ride the pedal cars. :)

Now we have to wait another 3 years so Emma and Irene can go, too. 

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