Monday, May 18, 2015

Olivia's First Sleepover Camp

We shipped our oldest daughter off to a summer camp for the first time! 
Some friends of ours recommended Mountain Top Youth Camp because their kids have gone there for the last several years and it seemed like a great opportunity for her to spend some time on her own with her friends. She was a little nervous about leaving home for a week, but it wasn't because she would be homesick... It was because she was worried how we'd fare without her around to help with the other kids! :) To be fair, the last time we let her go away for a couple of night to stay with Grandma and Grandpa, I was lucky to survive the ordeal without her. 

MTYC is located outside Pinnacle, NC and really is at the top of a mountain. 
The view from the fellowship hall was just beautiful! 

Olivia was assigned to a cabin with several sets of bunks in it, so she was staying with about 15 other girls. 
They spent time that week playing games, having a devotional time each day, climbing the rest of the way to the top of the mountain and tons of activities. She even wrote us a letter! (It got to us about 10 days after she got home :)
 The rest of the gang was sad to see her go, but they soldiered on and made it through the week.
We all survived quite well without her despite her fear of our inability to handle the other 4 kiddos. :) However, we were certainly glad to have her home!

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