Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Olivia's Baptism

We recently went on a retreat with our congregation, Valley of Blessing. Before the retreat, it was announced that there would be an opportunity for Tevilah, or baptism, while we were there. Olivia heard about it and went to Pastor Richard and asked to be baptized. He asked her a few questions about her faith and agreed that she should do it.

Israel, our assistant pastor and worship leader, gave a little message before-hand, explaining why tevilah is important in the life of a believer. Then Pastor Richard took her into the water and she did it! The water was freezing, but she was determined and made the commitment. :) We're so proud of her!

As a side note, Israel's not having a stroke at about 2:30 into the video. Irene was so gung-ho about getting in the water that she nearly took a dive off the embankment we were standing on. :)

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