Friday, May 1, 2015

Boys School - Winter Term 2015

Olivia isn't the only one doing more and harder work. Gabe and Ezra are working their little butts off learning new math, reading and writing. 

 Ezra is doing a curriculum by Confessions of a Homeschooler called K4, which involves sight words, puzzles, numbers and even some basic math. He's getting pretty good at it, though some days he tends to overreact if he makes a mistake. :)
 Ezra's also doing the next book in the Rod and Staff A-B-C Series called Counting With Numbers. It gives him practice counting and writing numbers while learning concepts like "before", "after", and "between".

 We also found some printable LEGO ABC cards for the boys to do. Most of the time, they're pretty excited about making the letters because it lets them play with the Legos while they're doing schoolwork.
Gabe still working his way through the second book of Math Lessons for a Living Education. He's learning how to carry and borrow and recognize fractions. He's particularly good at word problems, which surprised me a little since he struggled for so long with reading.

As far as his reading goes, he's doing much better now. Occasionally he'll get ahead of himself and guess at a word without really reading it, but he's able to catch himself and correct it pretty quickly.

They both still do a daily calendar that keeps track of the day, date, time and weather.

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