Friday, January 16, 2015

Kids' Art

The last few art lessons in Artistic Pursuits have recalled one of the artists we've studied as part of the Renaissance, Michelangelo and touched on Rafael, who was one we hadn't studied.

For Michelangelo, the kids did more frescoes 

and then tried their hand at apple carving.
They carved the apples about 8 weeks ago and we left them on the windowsill to dry. 

After 8 weeks, they're quite wrinkly and kinda cute. 
Next we looked a Rafael and his use of colors. They did one project where they layered the paints to create a scene. Each layer had to dry before the next was put on to prevent blending.

Then they did one where they had to blend primary colors to make the colors they wanted to use. we combined this with a project for our FIAR book, Clown of God, so go there to see the results! :)

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