Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Happy Hanukkah!

It's the time of year again when we celebrate for 8 days just how great God is and the wondrous things he does for us! The festival itself is to celebrate the rededication of the Temple after it was defiled by the Greeks around 165 B.C. We also use it as a reminder that we are to a light to the world and the light that shines through us is our Messiah Yeshua. It's a joyful time that we try to fill with as much fun and laughter as we can. To celebrate, we have a tradition of doing a different activity each night/day of the festival. 
 We started off the holiday with a Hanukkah game night at VoB
 The kids decorated big cookies
 Played foosball
 and the Dreidel Game. 

 Another day, we made donuts.  


 (seriously, that's the sound she makes. just like in the movie. :)
 On another day, we played games like Latke Bingo, Go Fish and Quirkle
And on yet another day, they made crafts.

For Shabbat, I tried my hand at making a Hannukiah (Menorah) Challah, Not too bad for a first attempt. :) 
It certainly made for a beautiful Shabbat Dinner.

We also got to go play at Hagan Stone Park, have a visit from both my and Rebecca's parents, ride through the neighborhoods looking at lights and the kids got a quite a few fun presents from us as well as both sets of Grandparents. There's no question that if you ask the kids what their favorite holiday is, they'll tell you Hanukkah!

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