Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Gabe's Math and Other Schoolwork

Gabriel has been doing Queen Homeschool's Math Lesson for a Living Education this term and has been doing very, very well with it. Like everything by Queen's, it' CM-ish in approach, so there's a story at the beginning of the week followed by 5 lessons related to math topic discussed in the story.  

He works with a "Place Value Village" to help him understand place values like ones, tens and hundreds.
At the end of the week, there's usually a recap page that's in the form of a letter from the children in the story to their parents.

The story weaves in a bot of nature study with the math and talks about things like weather, various animals and life cycles.  One topic was about how plants grow, so he actually had to grow a bean plant. He then had to draw it every day for a week to document its growth. It got quite tall and started flowering in the jar before a mishap caused its demise. 
 For practice, he uses a dry-erase sheet to figure out math problems that we give him. He's gotten to where he's pretty quick with the answers.
However, if he gets stuck, he can use a counting chart to help him.

He's been enjoying the lessons every day. Once we finish this, I think we might try Life of Fred with him to see how he does with that.


  1. My son is starting this math this week. Where did you get your 100's chart?

  2. We picked it up at a Homeschool Conference several years ago. It says FrankSchaffer.com on it. Try Rainbow Resource. It is filled in on one side and blank on the other and is made of a heavy laminated cardstock.
