Sunday, August 10, 2014

Oh no...not again...

So, Ezra and Gabe were having a wrestling match turned pillow fight and Ezra got knocked down and whacked his head right into the inside corner of the bed frame in their room. He cut his head open in two places, this time requiring stitches. Rebecca cleaned them and used essential oils to pretty much stop the bleeding, to control the pain, and to calm Ezra down. The pediatrician's office got us in immediately with Dr. Farooqui, Greensboro Pediatric Surgery so we wouldn't have to go sit in the emergency room. His funny beside manner set Ezra at ease and he was very brave. Dr. Farooqui even kept the other kids entertained as Rebecca and they all sat in the little exam room. Sorry for the blurry pictures, Rebecca forgot the camera and had to use her cellphone. :)

This one looks worse than it really was because the blood hadn't been cleaned all the way off. 

 Each was about an inch long but pretty deep.

 The one on the back of his head was certainly deeper. Dr. Faroogui said it almost required two layers of stitching.

Amazingly, it only took 3 stitches in the top cut and 2 in the bottom to close them up. When Rebecca sent me the pictures over the phone, I was betting on 10-20. Before they were cleaned up, they looked so much larger, really. :)  

Good as new! Thank goodness he was wearing a red shirt! ;)
Really, when I got home a couple of hours after the event, he was back to his wild and crazy self, running laps around the house with Gabe. So much for being careful...
He is very proud of his "spikey hair" and says his head feels fine. We are cleaning it with essential oils and we will go back to have the stitches removed in 10days.

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