Friday, July 25, 2014

Colorado 2014 - Bicycles

One reason we brought a trailer with us this year is so that we could bring bikes with us. Last year, our kids weren't really into riding (except for Olivia) so it wasn't a big deal. This year, however, Gabe and Ezra have really been wanting bikes. Jamie, who is a master of finding deals, managed to find us two bikes for Gabe and Ezra and a new (to her) one for Olivia, who had outgrown her old bike. She even had a scooter for Emma to use while she was there. :) It was such a blessing and an answer to prayer for us. Jamie had even walked into the Goodwill praying for two good bikes for the boys and there they were! It's surprising how quickly all the kids took to their new bikes, especially Ezra, who took to it like a duck to water.

Rebecca and I had our bikes from home with us and Jamie graciously volunteered to watch the kids for a day while Rebecca and I had a date day. We decided to ride the Cherry Creek Trail, which runs for 40 miles from Franktown to Downtown Denver. We started a few miles up the trail in Parker and decided to go as far as we felt comfortable. It was a warm, but overcast day and we got going right after lunch. The ride is pretty easy with just a couple of gentle hills, but mostly flat and winding through fields and behind neighborhoods along Cherry Creek. I brought the camera, but found it more of a nuisance and never did take a picture. About 3 or 4 miles into the ride, we rode out from under the cloud cover into bright, clear, intense sunshine. Neither of us had thought to bring sunscreen, so we knew we were in for a bit of a burn. Still, we kept on and rode about 12 miles up the trail only to find it end at a construction site. We tried to go around and find our way back to the trail only to find ourselves riding onto the 14th hole of the Valley Country Club gold course. Thinking this might not be the best plan, we went back the way we came and kept looking. From what we could find, they were still constructing part of the trail and it was difficult to tell where the trail might be. It was also at this point that my seat gave way and made riding a bit uncomfortable. So we decided to head back down the trail to the car and then look for a late lunch. By now, we were thoroughly hot, exhausted, and very thirsty (didn't bring water, either...) and my seat was making every mile more and more difficult. We did make it back, though, with the plan to someday do it again, but with sunscreen and water.
For lunch, we rode into Denver and went to Jerusalem Middle Eastern Restaurant, which is probably our favorite place to eat. We indulged in some fantastic food and got some awesome baklava. We stopped for coffee at Dazbog on the way home. In all, it was a wonderful time despite the difficulties and we will do it again next time we go out there, maybe with the kids in tow and riding along with us.  

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