Thursday, May 22, 2014

Today we celebrate Ezra! He is 4!

Today is Ezra's 4th birthday! It's amazing how much our little guy has grown. He is such a joy to have around and makes our days brighter with his goofy faces, big laugh and love for his siblings. He is so smart and often spouts some tidbit he overheard us teaching Olivia or Gabe. His passions also lead to loud expressiveness and the more than typical ways of a strong-willed 3 year old. As parents, we are so glad we "survived" this year and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to the coming year. We wanted to make his day.

We started his day with a request for a repeat of last year's special breakfast. Here is the post from last year. It is fun to look at the two together. Then we headed to the dentist (our twice a year trip just happened to fall on this day) and fortunately he really likes the dentist. He got to pick an extra prize which just made his day.

Grandma and Grandpa got him the Planes movie and we picked him up a Dusty glider to go with it. Movie days are special treats so of course he wanted to watch it.

Aunt DD and Uncle Rudy got him a favorite game of their littles. The kids spent lot of time playing it.

We also got a much bigger glider! Such a simple and inexpensive toy that provided us with an evening of so much fun.

And to top off his big day, Rebecca and I made him a Dusty cake!

Happy birthday, Ezra! 

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