Sunday, February 16, 2014

More Snow!

It's rare to get one good snow in North Carolina, but two in just a couple of weeks is reason to celebrate! :) This time it was more than just a dusting. 

At 2:00, the snow started coming down. I had built a snow gauge so the kids could look and see how many inches there were. The forecast was for 6 to 10 inches overnight, so we wanted to see if they were right.

 The next morning, we woke up to  see our gauge stopped at 5 inches, however, I know it was higher than that in the middle of the night. It was just over 6, but then the sleet and ice started to fall and weighed it back down. 

 Olivia went right out in the morning to play in the snow, but was a little surprised at what she found.

 Making a snow angel was impossible! The ice had made a crust on the snow thick enough to stop her from making one. :)

 That didn't stop the adventurous sledders, though. They hiked across the street and had a great time. 

 When they got back, however, the rest of the kids were up and ready to go!

 Even Emma was impatient to try the slopes.

 It started to snow again on our walk over and the boys were excited.

They wasted no time hopping into Mommy's lap for a ride.

Emma really liked sledding. She giggled each time I took her down.

In between runs, the boys tried to catch snowflakes. :) 

 But soon , they were back at it.

They even rode together a couple of times. 

Lots of ways to sled: sitting, face first, backwards and even sled boarding! She actually made it to the bottom without injury. :) 

We are just so thankful that we got a really good snow this year and that everyone got to enjoy it! Irene stayed cozy inside except for a short walk outside as the snow started to fall. :) 

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