Sunday, December 15, 2013


The kids love Thanksgiving every year.
They love playing with the Little People Mayflower.
And the 1st Thanksgiving Set

They also love visiting with family. This year we went to the Baldwin side of the family and had a wonderful day with Rebecca's grandparents, dad, aunts and cousins. Olivia played some piano pieces she's been practicing for her recital. If you look closely, you can see another thing the kids like doing... There's a paper chain of all the things we're thankful for draped on the piano. :)
Of course, Grandpa was more like a toy than a person.

The whole family. It's funny to see our kids peppered throughout the crowd. :)

Our own growing family.

The Baldwin cousins: Hunter, Mallory, Rebecca, Patrick and Matthew

Emma in her adorable turkey shirt. :)

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