Thursday, December 19, 2013

Teaching Gabe to Read

Gabe hasn't been a very motivated reader. He often complains when we sit him down to read his school books. He has been having some issues with reversing letters and words so he gets frustrated easily. But we know he can read because we often hear him or see him read something completely on his own. So when it come to teaching him his sight words and basics of reading, we have had to come up with fun and creative ways to do it. 

Here, he's seeing, building and writing his sight words. We got these from Confessions of a Homeschooler's K4 Curriculum. We also use her Sight Words Bingo which he enjoys a lot.

Here he is building and reading sentences using the Silly Sentences game. Thanks Nana and Pop-pop for such a fun and educational birthday present. :)

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