Saturday, November 2, 2013

Windy Days of Fall

We had a stretch of very windy days about 2 weeks ago. The kids kept asking to go fly their kites. We were never in a good place to go. You know, life just is busy sometimes. Late one afternoon we decided to just go do it. We put off dinner an hour or so and went to a nearby field. Don't you know that when we got there, the wind had died down considerably. Boo. Lesson learned: keep your kites in the car and just stop when the wind is blowing. Don't wait or you might miss your wind. We did run back and forth across the field and were able to still have some fun. Emma and Jeremy actually had the most success. The kids still had fun and they were quite tired from running back and forth. Where is Ezra you ask? Well, he didn't think much of running back and forth with the kites. Too much work for him. He preferred to talk about them and give directions to his siblings. :) And the kites are now in the back of the van for a while. We promised the kids to just stop and enjoy the next windy "moment" that presents itself.  

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