Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Olivia's Summer Art Classes

Olivia took a couple more art classes again this summer. They were through the Cultural Arts Center in downtown Greensboro. The first was a nature sketching class and the second was a pottery class. While she thoroughly enjoyed both, her favorite was the pottery.

The one on the left she started to paint but ran out of time and it is a coffee cup that she made for me. She actually wrote DAD in the clay. Unfortunately, the handle came off.

She was super excited when she got to try her hand at the pottery wheel. (the one on the left above) These two were gifts that she made for Rebecca. 

At the end of the summer the cultural arts center put together a gallery showing of samples from the many art classes of the summer. The kids each had a piece displayed in it. Gabe's piece was the king puppet with his classes' castle display.

Olivia had 2 pieces. One was a portfolio of nature drawings.

The other was a "Man-Deer" Oh, the imagination of a child... :)

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