Thursday, July 25, 2013

Colorado Trip, Part 5

One of the most striking places in Colorado is Garden of the Gods outside Colorado Springs. The sheer, freestanding formations are a wonder to see in person.

There was a small rock formation with a crack that only a child could possibly squeeze through, so, of course, all our kids had to go through at least 5 times! :)

The older kids took their turns at climbing the rocks.

After walking around for a while, we took the kids to Focus of the Family, where they have a great play area for all the kids to go wild in. 

There was a young kids room for Emma.
There was a dress-up room with a stage for the kids to put on plays. They had a camera set up with a tv that they could see themselves on.

They had a Narnia "wardrobe" that you could walk through and see the lamppost and a mural of scenes from the books.
By far, the favorite thing for the boys was the big airplane that they could go into. Ezra, however, refused to poke his head out for a picture...

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