Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Visit with the Great-Grandparents

We took the kids down to visit Great-grandma and Great-grandpa Baldwin and introduce them to Irene. 

Irene was sweet for GG-ma.

Olivia played her recital piece for them. GG-ma was impressed. She used to play piano in her younger days and wishes she still had the mobility in her hands to play.

Aunt B came by to hold the new little one.

Emma played peek-a-boo with anyone willing to play.

Grandpa and Great-Grandpa have been busy. Out in the back, they built a platform and zipline for the kids. Olivia was fearless and went down the line at least a dozen times. Gabe went down a couple of times, too. I wish I'd had the camera in-hand so I could capture the look of pure, abject terror. Ezra wouldn't try it at all. I tried it once and wound up on my back sliding across the lawn. Rebecca went the way of Ezra and passed. :)

They also built a sandbox for the less adventurous folks. 

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