Friday, May 24, 2013

New Baby Pics

Here are some pics for everyone to "ooh" and "aah" over. :)

A couple of months ago, Olivia expressed that she would like to be there for the delivery. After some thought and discussion, we decided that it would be ok. She was a trooper. We got her up at 3:45am to come with us and she waited patiently for her new sister to arrive. She asked questions of the midwife, nurses and, of course, Rebecca and I. She wanted to know about the contractions, the monitors, the pool and just about everything else. She thought it took a long time for Irene to come. I had to explain that 2 hours in the hospital is nothing compared to most people.
Olivia making the call to tell the boys that they lost the bet. the prize was a set of bunk beds. :)

Irene is our smallest baby, but she's probably the loudest. :)

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