Friday, May 31, 2013

More Irene Pictures: Now With More Siblings!

My ladies!

She is such a caring and love big sister. She can carry Irene easily, comfort her, and is learning to change wet diapers (she says she will leave poopy ones to us).

It's too bad they don't stay like this for long. We just have to enjoy it while we can. Love, love, love baby snuggles.

Emma is sweet to her sister. She points to her and babbles away. She likes to sit with Rebecca when she nurses. She is a bit territorial and protective.
The boys love their new little sister. They ask to hold her frequently, although it only lasts a minute or so. They are very concerned for her, always asking her where-abouts and telling us if she is upset.

Ezra is fascinated by the cord stub...

and her little toes, too. (Ezra does 'This Little Piggy' with her.)

He's very sweet and gentle with Irene. We are truly surprised at the patience he has shown with her.

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