Monday, February 11, 2013

The Greatest Show on Earth

The circus is in town again and since we didn't go last year, we thought it would be fun to take the kiddos this year. Boy, were we right! Everyone had a great time. Nana and Pop-pop took the morning off from work to come with us. This year's theme was "Build It Big!"

 The clowns were Olivia's favorite part of the show.

Emma just LOVED the music. She was bouncing like a kangaroo in Rebecca's lap.
 We got some cotton candy for the kids, which they gladly devoured.


Basketball on unicycles...I can't imagine the training it takes to do that...

Rebecca's favorite? The tigers.

It was a little hard to tell who was stronger... ;)

As always, the elephants were a treat. 

One elephant kept pulling his tail away from the one behind that wanted to hold it as they walked. :)
 Ezra was slightly disappointed when we ran out of popcorn.

The show, with a 15-minute intermission was right at 2.5 hours, which certainly seemed like a long time, but it was fantastic. The kids just loved it and will be talking about it for weeks to come, I'm sure.

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