Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Election 2012

Now that Olivia's old enough to understand, we decided to have her "participate" in this year's presidential election. We studied about each president, what the job entailed and how elections work. At the end, she got to watch us vote and then stay up to watch the election results come in.

Checking in.
Getting her "I Voted" sticker.
Watching Mommy cast her ballot.
On the way out, she got to cast her own ballot.
We had a map printed out for her to color in as the states were called for each candidate.

She was able to stay up until about 10:30, so she didn't get to see the final results. I recorded them for her and she watched them the next day. 

Her mostly complete map.

She also did a lapbook to go along with the study.

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