Monday, October 15, 2012

Way to go, Rebecca!!!

Rebecca ran in her 1st ever 5K race on October 6th. She ran in the Cone Health Women's Only Race for breast cancer.  

 Both of us started doing the Couch to 5K Training program about 3 months ago, so this was a great culmination to that program. Unfortunately, I have not been able to run one yet, especially since after about 7 weeks of the program, I developed some pretty bad shin splints and have had to cut my running back until they heal.

Rebecca did a great job, finishing the rather hilly course in 34:46.

Rebecca left earlier than the rest of us to register for the race. I came later with the kids. Unfortunately, it was complete chaos and couldn't find her before the race started. This picture is of the group she started in, but I haven't found her in it yet.
More than 3,500 people entered the race.
I figured our best chance of finding her was to wait by the finish line. The boys kept a close watch out for her.
Sure enough! There she is!
The kids loved cheering her on as she finished. "Go Mommy, Go!"
 Overall, Rebecca finished 521st out of 3,168 people who finished. In her 30-34 age group, she was 64 of 365. We're proud of you, hon!

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