Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Dream Come True

We spent several days in Harrisonburg, VA. I was helping my parents do work there. Rebecca and the kids came along. We stayed in a Residence Inn Marriott and it was delightful. The kids enjoyed the indoor pool and "hot pool". The staff was kind and friendly toward the kids. Each morning the kids thought the waffles were just such a treat. As we arrived in town, Rebecca spotted this incredible park, A Dream Come True playground. The kids and Rebecca visited it several times during the week and I got to come one time. It was such a colorful park with many unique (or new to us) activities.

pogo sticks

sisters...Olivia is so sweet to play with and help keep an eye on Emma.
Emma started pulling herself around this day. She was working on getting her knees under her but mostly uses her upper body and her feet to move. I have seen her get into a plank position now and again. She is really good a circles but with some motivation she gets some forward motion. She actually enjoys being on her tummy. That is a first for one of our children.

lots of climbing

let me just say, he is adventurous and requires a pretty close eye :)

this is typical Gabe. he was a little worried when he first found himself in this position. "ah! ah! i'm stuck." but then he quickly turned to laughing and let me get a picture before helping him get free.

"Ready, Set, Go!" Olivia might just make a good runner someday.

spider girl
more climbing

well, i could tell you that this was a sibling slide race but really they just graciously posed for pictures that mom and dad thought would be sweet. :)

the circles made funny sounds when the kids stepped on them

The picture didn't turn out but Olivia had her first success at getting all the way across a set of monkey bars one of the evenings we were there.

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