Thursday, August 16, 2012

Reaching New Heights

Olivia went indoor rock climbing with Grandpa earlier this year and loved it so much, we decided to sign her up for a week-long summer camp.She had a great time and came home each day just worn out from climbing. They climbed from 9am to lunchtime and then played games like Capture the Flag on the walls until 3, so it was a very active day. It was also very impressive to hear her talk about all the technical aspects and equipment she was using.

This is Brina, Olivia's climbing partner. They were paired up because of their similar size for belaying purposes, so I guess they were technically always attached to each other!
Olivia's instructors were absolutely wonderful.
Geared up and ready to go.
On the last day of camp, they invited the families to come and  see their kids in action, so I got to belay for Olivia as she climbed.

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