Friday, April 6, 2012

Passover 2012

Today we remember the great work accomplished by our great God. Today we follow the example of God's own son, Jesus. Today we are ever thankful and in awe of HIS amazing power. Today we celebrate our freedom as HIS children.

The Lord Knows and Remembers
by Steve & Sue McConnell

You've washed us clean, Holy Lamb.
You bore our shame, God of Abraham.
Your word is true and Your promise is sure,
And by Your grace we will live with you forever, oh Lord.

Oh Lord, I'm undone, I'm ashamed by all I've done.
And it hurts to think I'd grieve Your heart.
But You say, " Take My hand, little one--I understand."
And I as I hold your hand I behold the scars
From the nails so undeserved
That gave me hope and Your assurance
That I am Yours indeed.

Now if You, oh Lord, kept a record of our sins,
Surely none of us could stand.
And You knew all along and so before the world was formed,
You yourself would be salvation's plan.
In time, the spring of Living Water
Would go--like a lamb unto the slaughter--
To pay our debt in full.

Oh Lord, it's true, we should not sin, 
For all who live in You are truly new creations.
But Lord, You say, if we should fall,
We need only see it as You do,
Running to, and not from You.
For the Lord know how we're formed,
He remembers we are dust.

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