Friday, March 9, 2012

Purim 2012/5772

Happy Purim! The story of Esther is an amazing story. God is an amazing God! And it makes for a good remembrance and a fun celebration. Remembering the things that God has done in our lives can really carry us through harder times. And it is a gift to pass them on from one generation to the next. 

Queen Esther

So Ezra liked his costume until he actually put it on. Oh well. :)

If you don't know, when the story is read we use noisemakers when the name Haman is read. Lots of fun for the kids. Noisemakers can be just about anything. Olivia made hers by stapling together some paper bowls with dried beans inside and then decorating the outside with scenes from the story.

A fun to make but difficult cookie. lets just say that i need some practice. ;) I tried chocolate peanut butter and then lemon poppyseed in a lemon cornmeal dough. I probably don't have to tell you which ones are mine. Thank goodness for the more experienced bakers with the better looking cookies.

We also played pin the Hamantaschan on Haman and pin the crown on Esther. Olivia, along with the bigger kids, made a origami Hamantaschan. Who would have thought. :)

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