Monday, February 20, 2012

We finally got some SNOW!

Winter has been very mild for us this year. The kids were so excited when the snow finally started falling Sunday afternoon. But, alas, it is pretty much gone less than 24 hours later. 

Olivia got to go out Sunday night as the snow was falling. She likes to play in it more than the boys. The boys just watched excitedly from the porch.

This is the next morning. They thought it was really fun but didn't last long once they got cold and wet.

Emma's first snow. She was only out for a minute. It is hard to catch her eyes open wide in a picture. She has big wide eyes. If they were open wider here you would see how deep blue her eyes are right now. The snow, the blue sky, and her outfit really make them stand out.

Warming up. The kids came in to "warm" chocolate (my kids can't handle hot :) ) and a warm oatmeal breakfast.

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