Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fun With Cousins, Part 2 - The Park

We met up with the cousins at Lake Daniels Park for some fun times.

Olivia loves to climb trees

Gabe and Ezra kept pretending they were running in the swings
One thing we love about this park is all the toys that are just left out there for anyone to use. The kids particularly love this one.
Mama trying to put herself into labor.
Daddy takes his turn.
Yet another tree for Olivia. I think she's half squirrel
Ezra and the other kids love bouncing on this one.

Max headed down the slide backwards.
Gabe makes a go at it.
and once he's down, he wants to climb up the rock wall to go again. Pop-pop helped him.
Pop-pop and Max in the sandbox.
Ezra taking his turn on the slide.

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