Sunday, October 9, 2011

God's protection and blessing

We (the kids and I) were driving down 85 on Friday morning. I was in the left hand lane going about 75mph. A medium to large deer started to dash into the road. There were other vehicles behind and to my right so I knew that I was going to hit it. I slowed down some. I prayed that God would help me not lose control and that the kids would be kept safe. I hit it on the right front side. Amazingly, the deer slipped and fell as he hit the road. So he went under the right front tire. I did not lose control. No one behind or beside me did either that I could tell. The van seemed to be fine. I mean, amazingly, I saw no damage. Later that day, I had JR look, too. There was definitely icky evidence of the deer under the van but NO damage. God protected us and he blessed us by causing the van to be without damage. Thank you God! I am so grateful for your hand on the kids and I. :)

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