Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Birthday, Gabe!

Hey Gabe, how old are you?

Happy Birthday!
Gabe spent his day playing at Grandma and Grandpa's house

Climbing up to the tree house Grandpa built. Grandpa has put together a really fun tree house with multiple levels. He started with one and then has steadyly been adding aditions as he get creative ideas. So fun!

Getting a push from Sissy. Gabe is still small enough to sit in the baby swing. He is a small statured child.

Brushing Apache before a ride. This was a big deal as Gabe is normally very standoffish with the horses and just prefers to watch them from a distance. Today he was excited to help.

Riding around the yard. He really enjoyed himself. His bravery was such a change for even just a couple months ago.

Posing with Sissy

While Gabe was out playing in the yard with Grandpa, Mommy and Olivia decorated a train cake

Boy was he excited! "Is that MY train cake?"

Picking out his piece

His Thomas the Tank Engine Laptop! He was beside himself when we told him we had to put it down to eat his cake! :)


  1. Precious pictures! I stole some!

  2. That is very adorable! I'm impressed with the cake, Martha Stewart! It looks like he had a great birthday.
