Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Arriving sometime around the first of 2012

We got to see the newest addition to our family. The whole family was there to see the little one. So sweet! 4 Baby will surprise us with his/her sex upon delivery although both Jeremy and I admit to glancing and making opposite guesses. :) 4 Baby was 7oz and measuring at 17 weeks instead of 19 as we thought. So I will have a repeat ultrasound in a month to get a better idea if my due date needs to be pushed back. That would put the due date closer to Daddy's birthday. Although, I must say it is not nice to tell a pregnant women she is not as far along as she thought. ;) I mean I have already done weeks 17 and 18. The other possibility is that the baby really is just small. Tanya was happy with everything she saw on the ultrasound and actually wasn't worried about the size either. She said that 7oz is a weight at which discrepancies often pop up. So time will tell. We thank God for this little addition to our family! :)

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