Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Adirondack Adventures, Part 3 - Buttermilk Falls

Buttermilk Falls is a waterfall on the Raquette River leading into Long Lake. It's a neat place to swim and view the falls from in the river itself. You can actually jump off the falls into a deep part of the river, if you're brave enough! We took the kids and let them play in a gentle pool created by a bend in the river below the falls. They love splahing around in the shallow water. We didn't bring bathing suits for the boys, so we just pu tthem in swim diapers and let them go at it.

Gabe went right in, searching for rocks to throw.

They tried to be very careful when walking across the slippery rocks.

Even Ezra had fun playing in the water.

I can't tell you how difficult it was to get the timer set on the camera and run (carefully) over the rocks and get settled before the picture was taken!

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