Tuesday, June 28, 2011

VBS and a commitment to Christ

Last week, Olivia went to Vacation Bible School. We went to a local church that generously offers it for free. She had a great time. The theme this year was The Big Apple Adventure, which you may be able to deduce is set in New York City. It was big time fun. The message was how to step out in faith and connect with Jesus and then sharing it with others. The bible verse was Romans 10:17, So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the message about Jesus Christ. I felt like this was a bit of a hard theme for the kids when I first heard it but Olivia came home each day able to share with me what she learned about faith, trust, love and helping others. They decorate and go all out. The kids have do crafts, hear bible stories, sing songs, play games, have snack and join together for worship rallies each day. The songs are fun and have good lyrics. This year included a rap song about salvation, a song explaining faith, and a song about living out our faith. The church also picked some local missions to help and taught the kids about them. They collect money and games/toys for Brenner's Children's Hospital and also collected school supplies to donate to local school kids in need. Olivia had a great time picking out some toys and videos of hers that were in good shape to donate and enjoyed shopping for the school supplies. They had a boys v. girls offering competition each day and Olivia was so excited each day that the girls won. She looked forward to counting some money and putting it in the offering.

On Thursday, Olivia came home and told Jeremy that she had asked Jesus into her heart as her savior! Oh man, what an incredible moment. It is so special to hear your child make a commitment to Christ. I talked with her teacher the next day. I also talked with her more. Jeremy talked with her more. And Sunday we had her talk with and answer questions from our pastor. He agreed with us that there is not doubt that she understand the choice she made. Her heart seems genuine and of course God said we are to come to him like little children--with their childlike faith. She admitted that she was a sinner, spoke her belief that Jesus had died on the cross to make her clean from those sins and that was the only way it could happen, invited Jesus into her heart, and asked for help to continue to live a life pleasing to Him. We will help her to nurture that commitment and see where the future takes us. God is good!

While Olivia was at VBS, the boys and I spent some extra time together. Gabe's little personality came out and he talked non-stop. Our time alone to play games and let him help me with things was so fun! We spent one morning at the library reading books for a while.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome about Olivia. Matt received Christ when he was 5 and remembers it clear as day...so, even though she's young, she is genuine and I'm excited for her!
